Rencontre Greeters 2018Rencontre Greeters 2018
©Rencontre Greeters 2018|Bertrand Jamot
Portrait of Nancy inhabitant: Daniel

Portrait of Nancy inhabitant: Daniel

Passionate inhabitants, the greeters are happy to help you discover our destination. During a walk, they will share with you their favorites, anecdotes and good addresses.

Meeting with DANIEL

How long have you lived in Nancy?

I was born there and I always lived in Nancy.

Daniel in a few word

Nancéien by birth, eager for communication, passionate about photography and LEGO achievements.

Why did you choose to become a greeter?

An information flash in the regional press. I love and I am proud of “my city” and becoming a greeter was for me the opportunity to make discover its beauty to people staying in Nancy.

Your favorites in Nancy?

First of all proud of our beautiful and majestic place Stanislas, symbol of the city and its past.In front of her, the Arc Héré close to the Place de la Carrière planted with carefully cut shrubs.

Your favorite neighborhood?

The old town. The Grande Rue offers a nice and lively side. It’s almost like Paris in the Marais. Place Saint-Epvre in the center of which stands the imposing basilica and its arrow.

Why would you recommend staying here?

I would recommend staying in Nancy because it is a very beautiful city which is appreciated by many of its inhabitants. We are “spoiled” both architecturally and culturally. If you love greenery and flowers, the Pépinière park reaches out. The museums are wonderful. It is interesting to discover the religious legacy often offering a historical past for those who like it. Finally, the Nancy shops are numerous and very diversified offering a large choice of items.


See you soon in Nancy for a ride with Daniel.

To discover the city with one of our Greeters, go to the Discover Nancy with a resident (a period of one week is recommended for the proper organization of meetings).