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Government palace garden
Park and garden
in Nancy
The Palais du Gouvernement on Place de la Carrière was built by Emmanuel Héré in the 18th century, at the request of King Stanislas, to house the Intendant de France. The garden was the wish of Stanislas, Duke of Lorraine. It was intended for the Intendant de France, administrator of the Duchy during Stanislas' reign. It was then taken over by the army, before reverting to the City of Nancy. Since 1983, the Government Palace has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The garden's 8800 m2 are...The Palais du Gouvernement on Place de la Carrière was built by Emmanuel Héré in the 18th century, at the request of King Stanislas, to house the Intendant de France. The garden was the wish of Stanislas, Duke of Lorraine. It was intended for the Intendant de France, administrator of the Duchy during Stanislas' reign. It was then taken over by the army, before reverting to the City of Nancy. Since 1983, the Government Palace has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The garden's 8800 m2 are planted with maple trees and two plane trees contemporary with Stanislas. These plane trees were purchased and planted when the Palais was built, and are therefore over 250 years old. They were awarded the "arbres remarquables" label by the A.R.B.R.E.S. association in 2013, on the occasion of the first edition of Embranchements.
The layout of the garden is harmonious, with a circular shape that naturally predisposes to calm and plenitude. It's a haven of calm compared to the hustle and bustle of neighboring Parc de la Pépinière.
The garden gives direct access to Rue Jacquot and the former Gendarmerie barracks, built in 1872 in 18th-century style. From now on, it will be possible to stroll from Les Cordeliers to the garden of the Palais du Gouvernement and on to La Pépinière.
Visitors can enter via the Pépinière or rue Jacquot.
Remarkable plants include
Aesculus hippocastanum, common chestnut tree
Fagus sylvatica 'purpurea', purple beech
Acer platanoides, flat maple
Fraxinus excelsior, common ash
Ulmus minor, field elm
Tilia platyphyllos, large-leaf basswood
Platanus x acerifolia, common plane tree.
This garden will be open every day at the same times as the Parc de la Pépinière.
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